Dismas Ngendabanga, Rwanda

Preaching, guiding and counselling, and helping Christians in their discipleship journey through providing materials and teaching

Sam Malish, South Sudan

Partnering with local churches to offer trauma healing in the refugee camps and coordinating children’s ministry across multiple agencies

Kenneth Ambani Buluku, Kenya

Pastor in a local church, helping train lay pastors in the area to serve effectively for the transformation of their communities

Gabriel Parra, Chile

Developing the ministerial strategic plan of the church plant while serving as assistant pastor in a larger nearby church and teaching about Christianity in a local school

Valery Alymov, Ukraine

Sharing Jesus with others, preaching the gospel, making disciples and planting churches.

Salvator Nkorerimana, Burundi

Pastor facilitating CMS-Africa’s activities in Burundi and coordinating Matana diocese’s health and HIV/AIDS department

Meshack Okumu, Kenya

Training pastors and church leaders using CMS-Africa’s courses and encouraging churches to love others with the resources they already have

Joseph Noel Sati, South Sudan

Church leader and country coordinator, working to build the capacity of local churches in Sudan and South Sudan using CMS-Africa’s courses

Paul and Regina Lueth, South Sudan

Church planting, training pastors and evangelists and teaching theology at St John’s Theological College in Wau

Emil and Reem Bourizk, Lebanon

Providing education for refugee children and offering pastoral care for non-church people and Iraqi Christian families.

Hemkhomang Haokip, India

Serves at a theological college that strives to equip lay leaders in the church as well as up-and-coming leaders in the Church and society.

Hassan James, Sudan

Assistant bishop of Kadugli diocese, training church leaders and young people, preaching the word and serving the church