A wake-up call

Read how one woman in northern Argentina went from losing everything to finding the light of Jesus

Narin’s new chapter

The story of one man in Thailand reminds us that no one is invisible to God, and that God is often at work right in front of us

Praying power and staying power

A humble prayer group has been supporting people in mission week in, week out, through more than two years of war

Working together to bring hope

CMS partner launches new group to support women choosing to leave sex work in Thailand

From landfill to new life in Brazil

A member of a community market in north east Brazil has turned his life around.

Steps forward in rehab

More men are leaving addiction behind in Israel

225 years together

On 12 April 2024, CMS marked its 225th birthday. Our timeline celebrates our supporters' role in achieving many mission milestones.

Women: refusing to give up on peace

Joan Busolo, CMS Africa manager, talks to Naomi Rose Steinberg about peacemaking women