Bisoke Balikenga, DR Congo
Provincial youth worker investing in young people through encouraging them in their education and peacemaking and raising up new leaders
Ann-Marie Wilson, Britain
Working to end FGM and violence against women and girls, especially across Africa and the diaspora
Eric and Sandra Read, Philippines
Encouraging and practising creation care-centred food production and teaching children and youth to enjoy, appreciate and care for nature
Tim Curtis, Paraguay
Building up the body of Christ through writing, translating and producing discipleship training and study materials in the Énxet language
Alison Giblett, Ukraine
Providing spiritual and material care to those in need through my church and the Genesis ministry (helping people with destructive behaviours)
Tim Lee, Philippines
Improving the lives of families living in poverty in the Philippines as I support Jigsaw Kids to become a sustainable organisation
Building up indigenous leaders in Paraguay
Facing the future with only 14 ordained priests in the whole country is a significant challenge for the Anglican Church in Paraguay
Bridging the gap in Northern Argentina
Marcos Humacata represents a new generation of Christian leaders who could bring healing to racial and cultural divides
Leaders keep learning in Argentina
The urgent need for more trained leaders in the Christian communities across northern Argentina is being met by a cross-cultural collective
An unstoppable wave of women
Despite growing pressures, hundreds of indigenous women in northern Argentina are stepping up and putting their faith and love into action for their communities.