Middle East and North Africa: new faith and stronger faith

Mission partner H asks for prayer for Muslims and Muslim-background believers in Jesus in the Middle East and North Africa. Pray for Muslims to seek God’s truth during Ramadan and be touched by God’s presence. Pray for Muslim-background believers to be strengthened and find the courage to stand firm in their faith and share it […]

Middle East: medical care in challenging contexts

Pray for people in challenging contexts across the region who desperately need access to healthcare. Mission partners Fiona and Joel Kelling, currently working remotely from Oxfordshire with churches in the Middle East, write that Joel is helping to coordinate a project with the Diocese of Jerusalem to make medical care more accessible in contexts such […]

The powerful witness of women in the Middle East

Following Jesus makes them outsiders but they are helping hundreds of others do the same

Middle East: Gaza ceasefire

Please pray for the Middle East, where the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas which came into force on 19 January is becoming more and more fragile. Pray for God to break into this situation and turn hearts on both sides to peace and reconciliation.

Hope from the Edges February 2025

Watch our latest good news stories from the Middle East, DR Congo and Cumbria!

“I chose Jesus”

Despite a rift with her family and great hardship, Mariam says she has no regrets about following Jesus

Middle East: ceasefire in Gaza

Please pray for the Middle East, where it is hoped a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas will go ahead on 19 January. Pray for God to turn people’s hearts to peace and for this ceasefire to bring an end to the war. Pray for supernatural wisdom and empowerment for Qatar, Egypt and the US as […]

Middle East: peace

Please pray for the Prince of Peace to reign in the Middle East this Christmas and turn people’s hearts to reconciliation and peace. Pray for wisdom for leaders in Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and beyond, and for courageous leadership that embraces humility and vulnerability for the sake of peace with justice across the region. […]

Israel-Palestine and Lebanon: how to pray?

Mission partners Fiona and Joel, who are usually based in Jordan, help to guide our prayers

Middle East: desperate for peace

Mission partner H working across the Middle East asks that we continue to pray over the situation in Gaza. So much infrastructure has been destroyed, so many people have been killed and there is still no resolution in sight. People are on alert 24 hours a day, unable to sleep due to the constant threat […]

Middle East: ongoing conflicts

Pray for people in the Middle East, where conflicts rage on. According to the Lebanese health ministry, at least 40 people were killed in Israeli air strikes in eastern Lebanon this week. Pray for God to turn people’s hearts towards forgiveness, reconciliation and peace.

Sparks of new life in the Middle East

A young Syrian refugee labourer toiling in Lebanon had his eyes opened to Jesus through a magazine. And he's not alone.