Middle East: media resources

Please pray for CMS partners producing media resources to be accessed online by people exploring spiritual questions. Please pray for their team to have creative ideas and great wisdom for the material they share. Pray that these resources will be found by people with questions about faith.

A world longing for peace

Join with us in prayer for seven areas of conflict in our troubled world

Middle East: translation progress

Mission partners working in Bible translation in the Middle East give thanks for a growing Bible study group using one of the translations they are working on. Pray for this group, that God will really open their hearts to the gospel. Pray also for childcare needed for this group to go well. Our mission partners […]

Middle East: keep praying for peace

We continue to pray for peace, justice and mercy in Israel and Palestine, that violence will cease, that families will be reunited and that leaders will find a way forward that allows all people to live in dignity and without fear. Please pray also for the wider region as tensions rise, including in Yemen, between […]

Helping hands in Israel

News and prayer update from Jennifer and Kevin Cable in Jerusalem, returning to Jaffa

Middle East: keep praying for peace

We continue to pray for peace, justice and mercy in Israel and Palestine, that violence will cease, that families will be reunited and that leaders will find a way forward that allows all people to live in dignity and without fear.

The Holy Land: peace and a way forward

Pray for mission partners Jennifer and Kevin Cable as they resume their ministry in Jaffa, including a growing congregation and the Little Lambs toddler group. Pray for God’s guidance about the way forward at such a difficult time. Pray for the people who have been displaced from their homes in Israel and Gaza. Pray that […]

Israel/Gaza: peace

Please continue to pray for peace to prevail. Pray for an end to suffering, for remaining hostages to be released, and for comfort for all those who have lost loved ones or who do not know what has happened to friends and family.


Give thanks for the Anglican presence at the COP28 summit, of which mission partner Joel Kelling is a key facilitator. Give thanks with Joel that: “Our relationships continue to grow and it is encouraging to be in solidarity and fellowship with the wider Anglican family here – sharing a meal together one evening – as well as […]

Israel/Gaza: pray for peace

Please continue to stand with us and others around the world in praying for peace to prevail. We praise God that to date more than 100 hostages have been freed and allowed to return home, but lament the loss of more lives in the past few days. Pray for an end to suffering, for remaining […]

Israel/Gaza: pray for peace

Please continue to stand with us and those around the world in praying for peace to prevail. Pray for an end to suffering, and for comfort for all those who have lost loved ones or who do not know what has happened to friends and family. See more prayer points for the Holy Land on […]

Israel/Palestine: seeking peace

We continue to ask God for mercy, an end to violence and true and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians. We pray that more followers of Jesus will take up the call to be peacemakers and we pray that rising anti-Semitism and Islamophobia around the world will cease. Continue to pray for CMS people in […]