Walking with refugees in Lebanon

CEO Alastair Bateman's recent travels shone a light on perhaps the most important part of mission work - relationships

Video: Views from the edges – Bahrain

Learn how believers from a Muslim background are growing as disciples thanks to a partnership between CMS and Together Network.

Springs of water

The crisis in Lebanon is energy-sapping in every way. Phil Good asks where is the living water for the poor and refugees?

Faith on the edge

Across the Middle East and North Africa, a new partnership is helping people hold on to faith in Jesus

“Please do not shut the door”

How CMS and Together Network are supporting seekers and new believers and helping churches understand how to welcome them

“If you are there God, show me”: a Syrian woman’s story

Meet Tamar, a CMS local partner who helps people in the Arab world see God in new ways.

From addiction to new life in Jesus

Because of your generosity, CMS local partner Wilhelm Polikhronidi can help men struggling with addiction to rewrite their life story.

Wilhelm, Israel/ Palestine

Manager of a Jesus-centred rehab centre, spending time with and discipling rehabilitants.

Jennifer and Kevin Cable, Israel/Palestine

Working with the Christian community in Jaffa and Jerusalem to strengthen the presence of Christ and to minister to those on the margins

Emil and Reem Bourizk, Lebanon

Providing education for refugee children and offering pastoral care for non-church people and Iraqi Christian families.

Fiona and Joel Kelling, Jordan

Working alongside local churches to care for vulnerable groups and strengthen the mission of the Church in the Middle East.

Nabil and Sarah Shehadi, Lebanon

Nabil is Alpha Levant coordinator. Sarah manages the hospitality and administration side, and runs courses with Nabil.