Nepal: a tightening net

Please pray for CMS local partners in Nepal as persecution and government restrictions increase. Pray for strength to stand firm in their faith and continue to preach and teach the gospel and disciple fellow believers.

Asia: in transition

Several CMS mission partners and mission associates who work or have worked in Asia are currently in transition. Please lift up in prayer mission partners B and K and their children, mission partner F, mission associates Craig and Elaine Watson and mission partners Andrea and Andrew Young. Pray for practical considerations such as housing and […]

Nepal: earthquake recovery

We pray for everyone affected by the recent earthquake and thank God that all of our people in mission are safe and unharmed. As with the earthquake in 2015, pray that followers of Jesus will be a visible witness to the grace of God during this time, as they provide basic necessities and comfort those […]

Nepal: challenging decisions at UMN

Pray for local partner Dhana Lama, executive director of United Mission to Nepal (UMN), as she and others make some very challenging decisions over the next few weeks with regard to the UMN property. Pray for God’s hand upon the board meeting next week.

Nepal: sabbatical

Local partner Gopal and Susma Tamang, usually based in Nepal, are currently on sabbatical in India. Pray for the family as they settle into studies, a new city and a new church.

Nepal: remote possibilities

When her daughter was healed through the prayers of local Christians, Misha decided to follow Jesus. She now leads a church in her village.

Nepal: more teachers needed

Mission associates Craig and Elaine Watson ask for prayer for more teachers for Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC). The school currently needs two French teachers, two German teachers, two English teachers and a Spanish teacher. Pray for the right people to become available for these roles.

Nepal: settling in

Give thanks with mission associates Dan and Phillipa Munday that their recent move went well and pray for the transition and settling into a new community. Pray for Phillipa as she explores what God has in store for her next as she no longer has a formal role. Pray for the Sunita project and for recruiting […]

Nepal: finishing service

Andrew and Andrea Young have arrived back in the UK after finishing their time as mission partners in Nepal. Please pray for them in this time of transition, for rest and for ending well.

Together on the edge for 10 years

We celebrate the impact of Asia-CMS's decade "together on the edge in God's mission"

Leading with God’s love

Meet local partner Dhana Lama, the first Nepali leader of United Mission to Nepal

Gopal and Susma Tamang, Nepal

Equipping and training local church leaders for ministry and mission