North Africa: health problems

Please pray for local partner H. For over two years, he has had trouble breathing and abdominal pain as well as a number of other symptoms. Please pray for God to guide those looking after H and lead them to get to the bottom of what is going on. Pray against these issues and anything […]

A secret disciple

The risks of losing job, family and community mean that some choose to keep faith a secret.

Egypt: seeing God at work

A mission partner couple in Egypt invite us to give thanks for a number of encouragements in recent months: Pray for wisdom for these mission partners as they connect with people who have had dreams about Jesus or who have questions about faith. Pray also that they would be able to encourage believers in Jesus […]

Discipleship in North Africa

Do you speak Arabic, Farsi or Kurdish and have a passion for discipleship?

Spain and North Africa: travelling

A mission partner couple serving in Spain and North Africa are in the US until the beginning of September, visiting churches and people who support their ministry in the Arab world. Please pray for good connections with churches and individuals and for good health and safety as they travel through different states.

Unimaginable pressures, uncontainable joy

Come with us on a tour of changed lives through the Middle East and North Africa.

Faith on the edge

Across the Middle East and North Africa, a new partnership is helping people hold on to faith in Jesus

“Please do not shut the door”

How CMS and Together Network are supporting seekers and new believers and helping churches understand how to welcome them

Minister, North Africa

Are you ready to immerse yourself into a multi-ethnic culture where your skills will be required to create community safe spaces?

Habeeb Kamal, Egypt

Shares the gospel with unreached people groups in Egypt and Sudan, teaches and disciples believers.

Walking together in mission

"Church Mission Society has the experience and capacity to help sustain us on the field for a lifetime of ministry."

Casting a network for spiritual seekers

How people have come to hear the good news of Jesus both in person and online, even during lockdowns.