Pakistan: Shikarpur Christian Hospital

Indus Christian Fellowship ask for prayer for Shikarpur Christian Hospital, which has served the community faithfully for many years but is now struggling due to staffing issues. Please pray for God to provide doctors, especially gynaecologists, for a nursing director who can train young nurses and lead the department, and for God to open doors […]

Pakistan: churches burned

More than 100 people have been arrested in a city in east Pakistan after Muslims burned Christian churches and vandalised homes in response to claims that two Christian men had torn pages from a copy of the Quran. Please pray for all affected in this situation – for those who have lost homes and belongings […]

Pakistan: churches burned down

Please pray for Christians in Pakistan after 21 churches were burned down by a mob in villages near Faisalabad this week after an unproven accusation of Qur’an desecration. 

Together on the edge for 10 years

We celebrate the impact of Asia-CMS's decade "together on the edge in God's mission"

Discipling with open hearts and homes

Local partners with Asia-CMS are introducing people to Jesus and helping them grow as disciples despite the difficult conditions of the pandemic

How to… be a change maker

Jane Jerrard spent two decades in Pakistan, working with marginalised local people to accomplish goals they never thought possible.