Paraguay: Northern Enlhet translation team

Tim Curtis is consultant to the Northern Enlhet Bible translation project. Pray for the team revising the text in Filadelfia with translators Brígido, Evencio, coordinator Arnold and helper Melvin, currently checking through Jeremiah. Pray for stamina and good concentration for this intensive and demanding work.

Paraguay: guidance for ministry

Pray for mission associates Alison and Chris Hawksbee as they consider their involvement this year. Pray for God to guide them with regard to both how much they should be involved and in which areas of ministry.

Paraguay: rain

Please pray for more rain in the coming months in the central and north of the Chaco after a very hot January with lower than average rainfall.

Paraguay: rain

Mission partner Tim Curtis in the Chaco region says, “Many thanks for your prayers for rain.” Underground water storage tanks (repaired a few months ago) are now full and holding the precious water.

Paraguay: rain

Please pray for rain to come to the Chaco region of Paraguay, where it is so desperately needed. Local partner Gustavo Flores also asks for prayer for the government to establish health centres in the indigenous communities.

Latin America: El Niño

Please pray for those affected by the changed weather patterns in Latin America as a result of El Niño. Several areas including the Amazon continue to be hit by severe drought while the Panama Canal has had to reduce the number of ships passing through it as there is not enough water to feed the […]

Paraguay and Brazil: rain

Tim Curtis, in Rio Verde, Paraguay, asks for prayer for rain in the Chaco region. It has not rained for a long time, the water tanks are empty and temperatures are often well above 40C. Similarly, the Amazon is also experiencing drought as water levels at the Manaus port in Brazil have reached their lowest […]

A glimpse of heaven

What happens when 80 followers of Jesus from multiple indigenous people groups gather for fellowship, food and dreaming for the future?

Indigenous People’s Declaration shows clear intent

Congress charts a path forward for indigenous groups in Latin America

Indigenous Mission Congress for Latin America

Bringing together indigenous Jesus-followers from Paraguay, Argentina and Chile in a unique event

Agustín and Teresa Maidana, Paraguay

Bringing the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ not only in our immediate environment, but also to the indigenous communities of our country

Tim Curtis, Paraguay

Building up the body of Christ through writing, translating and producing discipleship training and study materials in the Énxet language.