Peru: Indigenous Mission Synod

An indigenous mission synod will be held in Lima, Peru from 16–20 January. Indigenous leaders from across Latin America will be meeting to pray, discern, discuss and plan activities for this new year in God’s mission, focusing on leadership formation. As they review the last year, give thanks for all those who have been equipped […]

Peru: reaching people at the edges

Please pray for a gathering in Lima over the next week (24 November to 1 December) bringing together CMS people in mission and pioneers who are exploring ways to share Jesus with people who wouldn’t ordinarily connect with churches. As the group comes together from across Latin America to discern how to catalyse more creative […]

Peru: gathering to discern how to reach people at the edges

Please pray for a gathering taking place in Lima from 24 November to 1 December where people in mission will come together with CMS pioneers, who serve God at the edges of church in creative and surprising ways, to look at how to reach people who have no connection to church. Ahead of the gathering, […]

Latin America: people living in poverty

Peruvian theologian and Catholic priest Gustavo Gutierrez, known as the father of liberation theology, died this week. While the Latin American Church has reacted in many different ways to his theological work, there is no doubt that he called the Church to attend to the voice of the poor and marginalised and to see God’s […]

UK: ordinations

Give thanks that Grace Kanungha is to be ordained this Friday, 28 June. Pray for her and Festo and the children as they prepare to move to Bodmin in Cornwall, where Grace will be curate and Festo will have a role in the parish as a mission partner. Pray too for former mission partner Pat […]

Peru: prison visits

Mission partner Anna Sims, involved in prison ministry in Lima, is hoping to restart prison visits after the long summer holidays, but has yet to have her pass renewed and has no news of what is happening. Please pray for doors to open so that she and others can resume their visits to encourage, minister […]

Victor Condori, Peru

Pastor serving in discipleship, accompaniment, counselling, preaching of the gospel and training new leaders

Anna Sims, Peru

Work alongside the local church to build community and share Jesus in creative ways in urban Lima