Philippines: unity among churches

Mission partners Eric and Sandra Read ask for prayer as they seek to unite local churches in ministry. Pray for local church leaders to be open to working together to reach out and minister to young people and children.

Philippines: creation care

Give thanks for Eric and Sandra Read’s role in creation care, which includes using syntropic farming methods and planning a programme of school visits to their farm to teach children about nature and creation care. Pray for the planning of the visits and also that the syntropic farming methods will be successful.

Philippines: Jigsaw

Pray for mission partner Tim Lee who is currently in the Philippines supporting Jigsaw Kids Ministries in addressing the online sexual abuse of children, which increased sharply during the pandemic. Pray for wisdom and inspiration in developing and implementing solutions and for encouragement for the Jigsaw team, who have achieved so much over the years.

Eric and Sandra Read, Philippines

Encouraging and practising creation care-centred food production and teaching children and youth to enjoy, appreciate and care for nature

Tim Lee, Philippines

To improve the lives of families living in poverty in the Philippines by supporting Jigsaw Kids to become a sustainable organisation.

Lockdown opening homes to Jesus in Manila

Surprising results in the Philippines as restrictions forced Jigsaw Kids Ministries to reimagine their work