Online open evening: Pioneer Mission Training

Join us online for a taste of Pioneer Mission Training at CMS. Meet staff and fellow students to discover if this is the leanirng community for you.

Open day: Pioneer Mission Training – CMS Oxford

Join us in person for a taste of Pioneer Mission Training at CMS. Meet staff and fellow students to discover if this is the learning community for you.

Africa: Dorcas Dress Project trip

CMS pioneer Maria Skoyles is currently preparing for a trip to Africa (location confidential) in connection with the Dorcas Dress Project, which helps people escape poverty. Please pray for safe travel, for good relationships to be built and for good feedback that enables the Dorcas Dress Project to grow and flourish in a way that honours […]

Cathy Ross on Loved, Called, Gifted podcast

Hear what Cathy has to say about women in mission and 'pious domesticity', including the hidden stories of women missionaries.

To hell – and back

CMS Diploma graduate Julie’s work with registered sex offenders leaving prison sometimes means following Jesus to the very edge of hell and back.

UK: term time!

Give thanks for all the CMS pioneer mission students who embarked on the first week of their term. Pray that all students will be equipped for creative mission among people at the edges of traditional church. Pray for the teaching team, that they will have energy and wisdom.

UK: Pioneer Training audit

Pray for Cathy Ross and the Oxford teaching team as they are visited by Durham University and Church of England inspectors to check the quality of CMS’s Pioneer Mission Training programme next week.

UK: pioneer students

Please pray for CMS Pioneer Mission Training students, both those who study online and those who study in-person, who will be taking a break from study for our reading week in a few days. May they find refreshment.

Beauty / brokenness

The contrasts on show while walking in the local park help Anna and Chris Hembury reflect on how God sees us.

What happens in a Community Shed?

One member of Carlisle's Community Shed tells Garry Ion their story of new-found confidence and belonging.

The open table

Johnny Sertin surveys a landscape of hope and healing across post-Christian Britain

Awe and wonder

The CMS Certificate reawakened Sarah Carney’s creativity and gave her a vision for an art exhibition.