Future you will thank you

Save your to do list once you’re back from holiday: book your Pioneering Parishes course now.

The Role of the Priest

There is a skill set around holding together the time-honoured and new expressions of church.

Pioneering Parishes: the word is getting out

Pioneering Parishes is about redirecting congregations’ energy outward into their local communities.

Jesus: pioneer of pioneers

As Jesus initiated newness, so he calls his followers to do the same, says Greg Bakker

Is everyone a pioneer?

Of course our gifts are not all the same, but congregations can enable newness...

Pioneering Parishes: First Steps

A series of four webinars which help both priests and lay people discover pioneering – what it is and why it’s integral to parish life.

Pioneering Parishes: Pioneer Advocates book club

The book club for those who support pioneers, lead parishes and/or want to see culture change in their worshipping community.

Nothing in Common?

Greg Bakker imagines how life could be different for parish priests and pioneers

Pioneering Parishes – Values Day webinar

Discover who your congregation aspires to be for God and your local community.

Pioneering Parishes: Culture Change in Practice

A series of four webinars for church leaders grappling with the challenge of developing a pioneering culture and a mixed ecology of church.

Does pioneering devalue the time-honoured church?

Greg Bakker examines this question and has a question for you

Pioneer Advocates book club

The book club for those who support pioneers, lead parishes and/or want to see culture change in their worshipping community.