Aspiring to be our best
Dynamics between pioneers and advocates are often challenging and disruptive, how can we better work together?
Pioneer beatitudes
Rev Greg Bakker and Rev Tina Hodgett introduce a new series reflecting on the beatitudes for pioneers and priests who are collaborating in mission.
Video: Greg Bakker on missional humility
Rev Greg Bakker, co-creator of Pioneering Parishes, recently spoke to Jenn Camirand on the topic of Missional Humility.
Is pioneering about taking another’s territory
Advent and Christmas are seasons in the life of the church which present rich wells of inspiration and encouragement for pioneers.
Do pioneers all think and act alike?
There are broad classifications and within them usually lots of varieties.
Is pioneering all about church planting?
Pioneering is frequently associated with church planting initiatives, but should it be?
Future you will thank you
Save your to do list once you’re back from holiday: book your Pioneering Parishes course now.