Are all pioneers young, male and cool?

Are the stereotypes true?

Is pioneering all about church planting?

Pioneering is frequently associated with church planting initiatives, but should it be?

Future you will thank you

Save your to do list once you’re back from holiday: book your Pioneering Parishes course now.

The role of the priest

There is a skill set around holding together the time-honoured and new expressions of church, says Greg Bakker.

Pioneering Parishes: the word is getting out

Pioneering Parishes is about redirecting congregations’ energy outward into their local communities.

Jesus: pioneer of pioneers

As Jesus initiated newness, so he calls his followers to do the same, says Greg Bakker

Is everyone a pioneer?

Of course our gifts are not all the same, but congregations can enable newness...

Pioneering Parishes: First Steps

A series of four webinars which help both priests and lay people discover pioneering – what it is and why it’s integral to parish life.

Nothing in Common?

Greg Bakker imagines how life could be different for parish priests and pioneers

Pioneering Parishes – Values Day webinar

Discover who your congregation aspires to be for God and your local community.

Pioneering Parishes: Culture Change in Practice

A series of four webinars for church leaders grappling with the challenge of developing a pioneering culture and a mixed ecology of church.

Does pioneering devalue the time-honoured church?

Greg Bakker examines this question and has a question for you