Giving faith a fighting chance

Eastender Jay Lilley sparred with army life, wealth and homelessness before finding faith in the boxing ring.

Gaston Perez, Argentina

Pastoral apprentice, teaching and serving in the local church and studying theology

Marcio Ciechanovicz and Noemi Celeti, Brazil

Connecting with people beyond the reach of traditional church, sharing the gospel in new ways and ministering to people’s physical needs

Lea and Petra Williams, Czech Republic

Leading the Anglican congregation in Brno and developing a vibrant Christian community where people can meet Jesus and grow as disciples

Rosie and Stu Bayford, Brazil

Meeting people at the edges with the hope of getting alongside them on a journey of faith

Lindsey and Steve Poulson, Honduras

Mentoring, creating safe spaces for at-risk children and young people to grow and supporting local project development.

Beverley Cannon de Pinos, Ecuador

Working with a multicultural church, helping them go to the edges and meeting a variety of practical and spiritual needs within the church

Andy and Kati Walsh, Brazil

Working with local church partners in Florianópolis, helping people in challenging contexts to find hope in Jesus

Andrew and Lisa Peart, Bolivia

Partnering with the local church to engage with the community in pioneering mission through generous, creative hospitality

Azaria and David Pocasangre, Guatemala

Supporting vulnerable communities, especially young people and families, through partnership with the local church

Walter Toro, Bolivia

Anglican Bishop of Bolivia, the first Bolivian national to take on this role

Sharon Wilcox, Ecuador

Working with people with learning disabilities, teaching them life skills and seeking to enable them to become independent