Pioneer beatitudes

Rev Greg Bakker and Rev Tina Hodgett introduce a new series reflecting on the beatitudes for pioneers and priests who are collaborating in mission.

Video: Greg Bakker on missional humility

Rev Greg Bakker, co-creator of Pioneering Parishes, recently spoke to Jenn Camirand on the topic of Missional Humility.

Praying from the edges

Jonny Baker writes of the new life and vision to be found when seeking to pray with the most marginalised people.

The sharing of Christ’s sufferings

A CMS Presence reflection for Lent 2024 by Ian Adams

Video: What does it mean to go to the edges?

The edges are where Jesus is bringing new life. And where we want to be. Together.

Open hands

A CMS Presence resource to assist in nurturing prayerful presence

Video: Together to the edges

Global voices come together in this short video by our partners from around the world.

CMS Magazine Summer 2023

All the stories from the Summer 2023 edition in one place

Working on our posture

Activist and author Shane Claiborne paid a visit to Church Mission Society for a lively conversation about mission.

Video: Jay Mātenga interview

Jay Mātenga shares his personal backstory as well as the richness that comes from Indigenous perspectives on faith.

Video: Change of a dress

Meet Maria Skoyles, CEO of the Dorcas Dress Project, and a CMS Pioneer MA student.

Video: Grounded in not knowing

Mining ancient apophatic traditions, finding energy and wisdom for pioneering sacred terrain.