South Africa: elections

Mission partners Caroline and Dick Seed ask for prayer that a stable government will be established for the National Assembly and all the other provincial assemblies. Pray that all parties that participated in the elections would respect the constitution and move towards peace and the development of South Africa.

South Africa: empowering theology teachers

Join Caroline and Dick Seed giving thanks for a new course they have been developing: “We are thrilled to inform you that the online Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Theological Education has been accredited by the South African government agency. This has come through much quicker than we could have hoped for. There are still a […]

Uganda/South Africa

Theological training bears fruit for the long term, say mission partners Caroline and Dick Seed in South Africa. “In 2019, we asked for prayer for Andrew Nalumenya from Uganda Christian University (UCU) who was pursuing a PhD under Caroline’s supervision.” Give thanks with the Seeds that Andrew has now been awarded his doctorate and is […]

Caroline and Dick Seed, South Africa

Training Bible teachers in key theological institutions across the African continent and beyond