Peace through forgiveness

Lilias and her family were kept in a war zone by their own memories but discovered that because of Jesus, peace is possible.

Pulled back from the edge

Suddenly, gunfire was all around. Betty took the children by the hand and ran. What else could she do?

South Sudan: new placement

Nicci Maxwell flies out on Sunday to go to her new placement serving as a doctor at Al Sabah Children’s Hospital, Juba, South Sudan, and at a nearby refugee camp. Pray for Nicci as she settles into a new country and role.

Project Lead, Africa

Do you have gifts in administration and enjoy working cross-culturally? Are you able to bring clarity to complex projects?

South Sudan: conflict

Conflict continues between the Dinka Ngok of Abyei and Dinka Twic of Warrap and there has been an increase in armed conflicts around Bahr-El-Ghazal and Warrap State. Please pray for an end to the fighting and for the church to play a positive role in peacemaking in the country.

Women: refusing to give up on peace

Joan Busolo, CMS Africa manager, talks to Naomi Rose Steinberg about peacemaking women

South Sudan: pray for peace

CMS local partner Sam Malish shares: “I plead with the church worldwide to pray with us that South Sudanese forgive each other and trust in God. Pray for the leaders, that they put the people of South Sudan before themselves and see that they are part of the solution.” Sam works with fellow South Sudanese […]

Tragedy, trauma, transformation

Refugees in northern Uganda are seeing how following Jesus makes peace possible

Partnership makes peace possible

Where years of war make it tempting to give up on peace, our local partner Sam Malish explains why he keeps going.

South Sudan: ongoing conflict 

Local partners Paul and Regina Lueth ask for prayer for the families of people who have been killed and injured as a result of the conflict, and those in Twic County of Warrap State whose houses have been burned. The dead include soldiers deployed in that area to maintain security between the Ngok and Twic communities […]

South Sudan: relief project for refugees 

Bishop Joseph Mamer of the Diocese of Wanyjok reports, “Praise the Lord! We are thankful to the Lord in everything. My diocesan team was in the field last week and met with the UN, other NGOs and the commission that is responsible for coordinating refugee affairs. The members also met with the leaders of refugee groups. We […]

Africa: mission partners recently finished

Please pray for mission partners Lynn Treneary (South Sudan) and Patricia and Peter Wyard (DR Congo), who have recently finished service with CMS. For Lynn, pray for her as she continues to work on improving her health and looks for a job. Pray too for safety as she travels between various family and friends across […]