Spain: upcoming exams
A mission partner family in Spain ask for prayer as their daughter prepares to take IGCSE exams from the end of April onwards. Please pray for peace for her, that she will be able to concentrate and do her best and for the rest of the family as they support her through the next few […]
Spain/North Africa: considering a move
Please pray for mission partners based in Spain who are sharing Christ with as many people as they can and supporting Arab Christians across the Middle East. These mission partners are currently considering moving to another city so that their kids can attend a Christian high school. Pray that if this is God’s will, he […]
Spain: Marriage Course
A mission partner couple in Spain write that their church is running the Marriage Course for the first time over the next few weeks. Please pray for God to prepare the hearts of the couples that are going to come, particularly for those who may not yet know Jesus. Pray for each person to learn […]
Spain: flooding
In Spain, rain and hailstorms have caused flooding this past week and killed at least 95 people. Mission partners based in Spain for their work across the Middle East and North Africa ask people to pray for: the people who have lost loved ones, that God will comfort them in their grief, and that the […]
Miranda and Tim Heathcote, Spain / North Africa
Supporting mission workers, especially in limited access nations, through leadership development, debriefing, spiritual direction and retreats
North Africa and Spain: looking after mission workers
Mission partners based in Spain serve mission workers in North Africa through providing leadership development, debriefing and spiritual direction. Pray for them as they develop their residential retreat property with a view to being able to host larger groups.