Sudan: peace and stability

Bishop Hassan James, a local partner, asks for prayer for peace and stability in Sudan. Pray for the war to cease, and food and necessary supplies to reach those affected. Pray for God’s protection for all those who are displaced and pray for the message of the gospel to be spread, especially now while people […]

Women: refusing to give up on peace

Joan Busolo, CMS Africa manager, talks to Naomi Rose Steinberg about peacemaking women

Sudan: difficult and dangerous

Bishop Hassan James, CMS and CMS-Africa local partner and a constant voice for peace in Kadugli Diocese, asks for prayer for “the pain caused by the war we have in Sudan, especially South Kordofan, in the Nuba Mountains.” Specifically: “Many have lost their lives in the conflict between the SPLM [Sudan People’s Liberation Movement] and […]

Sudan: ongoing violence in Khartoum

Pray for the people of Khartoum, where the violent conflict which began in April this year continues to cause destruction, devastation, loss of life and tear families apart. Pray for peace and reconciliation to come to this broken nation and for God’s healing to be poured out.

A school for peace

A new primary school in conflict-torn Sudan is laying the foundations for peace.

Hassan James, Sudan

Assistant bishop of Kadugli diocese, training church leaders and young people, preaching the word and serving the church