Tanzania: upcoming visit

Please pray for Charles, an Africa mission associate, ahead of his trip to Tanzania, 27 May to 13 August. Please pray for safe travels, protection from illness and for productive time spent with colleagues there.

Deaf joiner joins in new project

Work starts on new centre for people with disabilities in Tanzania

Tanzania: new work and residence permits         

Praise God that mission partner Heather Johnstone’s work and residence permits have been renewed for a further two years, enabling her to continue working with disadvantaged women and children through the Rehema Project in Mara.  

Tanzania: exciting new works

After 12 years in at Neema Crafts in Iringa, mission partners Ben and Katy Ray have relocated to Arusha. Pray for them as they consult with Usa River Rehabilitation Centre, which gives vocational training to people with a range of disabilities, and as they explore opportunities above and beyond this. Pray for Ben and Katy […]

Tanzania: best summer season yet

Mission partner Heather Johnstone reports that the Rehema Project’s café and shop have had their best summer season yet due to two large UK school groups. Praise God for this huge blessing. Pray for more tourists to come so the Rehema women can continue to provide for their families.

Tanzania: relocating

Ben and Katy Ray and their three children are preparing to move from Iringa to Arusha in two weeks. Please pray for Ben and Katy as they pack up, hand over, have numerous meetings with both Neema and SAFi boards, say goodbye etc. All three kids will begin at a new school in Arusha so please do […]

Neema and Jigsaw: 20 years at the edges

Two pioneering CMS ventures notch up their 20th anniversary in 2023

Paul Kibona, Tanzania

Country coordinator who teaches, trains, disciples and mentors new leaders for the expansion of the kingdom of God

Stephen Hatch, Tanzania

Investing in children’s futures and spiritual growth through working as a maths and IT teacher and in chaplaincy at St John’s Seminary

Heather Johnstone, Tanzania

Helping to empower the most disadvantaged women and children in Mara through the Rehema Project.

Ben and Katy Ray, Tanzania

Working with people with disabilities, providing training so they can earn a living