Uganda: rain and healing

We praise God with Judith Murungi, CMS-Africa’s country coordinator for Uganda, for the start of rainy season, which offers hope to agricultural communities across the country. Pray for lots of rain so that farmers can enjoy a good harvest in a few months’ time. CMS-Africa also ask for prayer for a partner called Seme Peter, […]

Uganda: college registration

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for the registration of Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College, of which Sarah is principal. Pray for a breakthrough in this situation, which has been at a standstill for close to two years. Simon is also working with diocesan staff to produce a budget for the first […]

Uganda: college registration

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell are based in Gulu, northern Uganda, where Sarah is principal of Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College. Sarah and Simon have been working to register the college with Uganda’s National Board for Higher Education since they arrived in the country almost two years ago. Pray for the board as they […]

Africa: training leaders

Mission partners in different areas of Africa report that teaching terms are coming to a close. In Uganda, Sarah and Simon Cawdell give thanks for training for lay readers trained this term at Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College in Gulu, Uganda. Pray for these leaders as they return to their churches equipped with more biblical […]

Uganda: upcoming gathering

Pray for wisdom for local partner Judith Murungi, CMS-Africa’s country coordinator for Uganda, and for God’s guidance in every decision, big and small. As they plan the upcoming gathering in Uganda for people in mission, pray for Judith and others to hit on ideas and make choices that will make the gathering an edifying, restorative […]

Uganda: positive messages in refugee camps

We praise God with local partner Sam Malish for recent distribution of mini-speakers among South Sudanese refugees. Pray for refugees’ hearts to be open and for them to meet Jesus as they listen to the messages of trauma healing, peacebuilding, child protection, positive parenting and Christian teaching.

Uganda: short-termers settling in

Short-termers Emily and Matt Grimwade and their son left the UK and travelled to Arua in northern Uganda this past week. Pray for them as they begin to settle in and start working with local partner Sam Malish.

Uganda: registration of college and lay reader training

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for the registration of Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College, which has been a long time coming. Pray also for the term of lay reader training which runs from September to December.

Peace through forgiveness

Lilias and her family were kept in a war zone by their own memories but discovered that because of Jesus, peace is possible.

Pulled back from the edge

Suddenly, gunfire was all around. Betty took the children by the hand and ran. What else could she do?

South Sudan/Uganda: trauma healing

Pray for the children’s workers who have been taking part in a walking-with-wounded-children trauma healing workshop this week, led by local partner Sam Malish and the team in Bidibidi 2 Refugee Camp. Pray they will be able to effectively take and use the training to help children find peace and hope for the future. Pray […]

Uganda: college registration

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell write that Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College (still) has yet to be officially registered. Please pray for obstacles to be removed so that the paperwork can be finalised.