South Sudan/Uganda: trauma healing

Pray for the children’s workers who have been taking part in a walking-with-wounded-children trauma healing workshop this week, led by local partner Sam Malish and the team in Bidibidi 2 Refugee Camp. Pray they will be able to effectively take and use the training to help children find peace and hope for the future. Pray […]

Uganda: college registration

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell write that Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College (still) has yet to be officially registered. Please pray for obstacles to be removed so that the paperwork can be finalised.

Uganda: CMS-Africa training 

Please pray for local partner Judith Murungi as she coordinates CMS-Africa’s activities across the country. This weekend in Gomba, Judith and others will be leading follow-up sessions for those who recently took part in women’s empowerment training. Pray for people to attend the sessions and find them encouraging and constructive.

Women: refusing to give up on peace

Joan Busolo, CMS Africa manager, talks to Naomi Rose Steinberg about peacemaking women

Uganda: new focus

Please pray for mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell, particularly for Simon as he finds a new focus following the end of the Rooted in Jesus conference. Pray for good working relationships and good follow-up for the Rooted in Jesus groups. Pray that Simon is able to focus productively on the household, development and community […]

Uganda: Rooted in Jesus

Give thanks for the recent successful Rooted in Jesus conference that was held in the Diocese of Northern Uganda. Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell, who work with the diocese in Gulu, report that 240 people attended. Rooted in Jesus is a group course in Christian discipleship written for use in Africa. It is the only […]

South Sudan: pray for peace

CMS local partner Sam Malish shares: “I plead with the church worldwide to pray with us that South Sudanese forgive each other and trust in God. Pray for the leaders, that they put the people of South Sudan before themselves and see that they are part of the solution.” Sam works with fellow South Sudanese […]

Tragedy, trauma, transformation

Refugees in northern Uganda are seeing how following Jesus makes peace possible

Partnership makes peace possible

Where years of war make it tempting to give up on peace, our local partner Sam Malish explains why he keeps going.

Uganda: healing following accident

Local partner Sam Malish was recently hit by a motorbike. We praise God that he only sustained minor injuries and pray for his full healing. 

Uganda: theological training

Caroline and Dick Seed, mission partners working in theological education, say thank you for praying over the last few weeks while they were in Uganda delivering training. They shared, “The Lord went before us and our time was successful in many ways.” Give thanks for the training to two different groups. Pray that the lecturers […]

Uganda: travelling to support and encourage

Please pray for mission associates Hanna and Ian Spillman as they prepare to go to Uganda at the end of November for three months to support Church of Uganda Kisiizi Hospital. Hanna and Ian ask for prayer for God’s wisdom and discernment and that they might be an encouragement to their colleagues. Please pray, too, […]