The end of a season and the start of another

In mission, as in all life, sometimes things don’t work out quite like we expect.

Uganda: registration for theological college

Please pray for Janani Luwum Theological College to be successfully registered with Uganda’s National Council for Higher Education as soon as possible.

Uganda: upcoming training

Caroline and Dick Seed write that their last two training sessions for 2023 are taking place in Uganda over the next two weeks. Teaching and Learning Phase 3 for Uganda Christian University and its affiliates (30 October to 3 November), and Generosity Project writers’ workshop for church training materials (6 to 10 November). During this second […]

Uganda: security situation

Please pray for the security situation in Uganda following on from the recent killings of two tourists and their guide at Queen Elizabeth National Park and the two bombs found in churches near Kampala. Mission associate Janie Robson is currently back at Potter’s Village, not that far from the park, for six weeks to support […]

Uganda: theological college registration

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College to be successfully registered with the National Council for Higher Education as soon as possible. This term students are based back at home, returning to the college in January. Sarah says: “Give thanks for the new purpose-built chapel in college, […]

Uganda: Potter’s Village

Pray for Janie Robson (CMS mission associate), who has returned to Potter’s Village in Kisoro for six weeks. Pray for wisdom, strength, energy and for God to fill her with his Holy Spirit and grace as he ministers to others through her. Pray, too, for a new physiotherapist to join the team at Potter’s.

Uganda: church planting

Mission partner Simon Cawdell works in the Diocese of Northern Uganda and supports the diocese in discipleship. Thank God for the planting of 80 new churches in the diocese over the last three years and for the appetite in the diocese for discipleship training. Please pray for Simon as he trains lay readers in leading […]

Uganda: Sunday school

Neil and Sue Browning in Moyo, Uganda, lead Sunday School alongside their roles as a college lecturer (Sue) and surgeon (Neil). There are regularly 70–90 children attending, but recently some leaders have moved on for work and studies. Give thanks for these children coming along and pray for new leaders to join the team.

Uganda: returned to the UK

Pray for mission partners Tom and Verity Clare and their five children, who have recently returned to the UK permanently. Pray for each member of the family as they make friends and adjust to life in their new location.

Uganda: Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for wisdom as they develop relationships and assess the priorities for their work in Gulu, Uganda. Pray, too, for Sarah as she battles with the bureaucracy necessary to register Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College with the National Council for Higher Education. This is by no means […]

Uganda/South Africa

Theological training bears fruit for the long term, say mission partners Caroline and Dick Seed in South Africa. “In 2019, we asked for prayer for Andrew Nalumenya from Uganda Christian University (UCU) who was pursuing a PhD under Caroline’s supervision.” Give thanks with the Seeds that Andrew has now been awarded his doctorate and is […]

The Woman at the Gate

Tom and Verity Clare reflect on healthcare and discipleship for people at the edges in north-west Uganda