Ukraine: attacks affecting power stations
Recent heavy attacks from Russia have severely damaged power stations, limiting the availability of electricity. Pray for all those affected, especially those in colder areas who are now struggling to stay warm. Please also pray for Valery and others involved in chaplaincy for soldiers as they see horrific injuries and hear terrible stories through their […]
Signalling support for two years
Since Russia’s violent invasion of Ukraine two years ago, faithful supporters have been meeting weekly on Saturday evenings to pray.
Ukraine: the pastor at the front lines
CMS local partner in demand as forces chaplain, while churches pray and fast for an end to war
Ukraine: rest for the weary
Pray for local partner Valery and his wife Olga as they seek visas to leave the Ukraine to visit their son and family in the UK. Pray for God to pave the way for a restful time with family where Valery and Olga can have a proper break and spend time with each other and […]
Jesus eases people’s pain in Ukraine
Your support enables making friends, having fun and finding faith
Ukraine update from Kyiv
A short video update from Alison Giblett, on being God's hands, feet and voice during the war.
Ukraine: rebuilding a home
Progress is being made on Alison’s flat, which was badly damaged by fire over a year ago. Praise God for all those from Alison’s church who have been assisting in different ways.
Ukraine: couples separated by war
Mission partner Alison Giblett asks for prayer for Ukrainian married couples separated by the war. Many women and children are living as refugees in other countries while husbands and fathers are not allowed to leave Ukraine. The law has been changed to make divorce simpler, and many women who are now settled abroad have an […]
Ukraine: Offering more than just aid
How our local partners bring practical and spiritual support to their fellow Ukrainians
Not giving up in Ukraine
"Having lived through months of war, I know that God is my provider, my protector and our healer," says mission partner Alison Giblett.
Ukraine: situation critical
On Monday 21 November there were many missile strikes in Kyiv and across Ukraine and the situation in Kyiv is now critical due to the continued Russian strikes against the energy infrastructure systems. Against this backdrop, snow has arrived and temperatures are now below freezing, making the situation even more desperate. The Tabernacle of the […]
Ukraine update 11 Nov 2022
Our people in mission in Ukraine, Alison, Valery and Anya are currently travelling to the east of the country with a team of about 20 people to distribute humanitarian aid and provide spiritual comfort. Please pray that all will go well in terms of logistics and continue to pray for all Ukrainians suffering from the […]