Spirituality and Discipleship
Explore different approaches to discipleship, considering various Christian spiritual practices and their impact on our individual spiritual lives. How might we engage practically with them in our lives and the life of our community? (week residential)
Introduction to the Bible
An overview of the purpose, context and content of the Old and New Testaments. Get familiar with approaches to biblical study and consider how to engage biblical texts in mission and ministry.
Mission and Evangelism
Put the Bible into conversation with culture and gain greater understanding about your own practice of mission. Look at historical trends and current approaches to engaging and witnessing to the world around us, alongside practical engagement in mission (online with weekend residential).
Pastoral Care, Ethics and Ministry
An introduction to key issues in both pastoral care and ethics, giving you the tools and theological framework to approach pastoral situations, as well as the space to reflect on your own views and experiences
Foundations of Theology and Reflective Practice
An introduction to contextual theology, principles and methods of reflection, and their place in mission and practice (online)
Pioneering youth work
An introduction to good practice in youth work, including key skills in relationships, communication, teaching, learning styles, administration and leadership, as well as the chance to develop these skills in your ministry setting. Exploring play, informal education and/or non-formal education among young people and children, questioning and articulating their value and impact in practice. Includes consideration of how children and young people learn and develop and approaches to working with challenging behaviour. Exploring our understanding of the context of youth work and the values, practices and legal frameworks it entails from a Christian perspective, as well as considering methodologies for working with young people.